Furrow Management Systems
The FIM-F is a high-volume single liquid, auto-rate control module with an incorporated Hypro 9303 Series Pump. A proportional bypass regulation circuit regulates liquid flow to the seeder whilst a pressurised common-rail delivers priority flow to agitation, tank rinse and manual run valves conveniently mounted on the front panel.
This is one of many modules that can be used to tailor the setup to your specific needs. Give us a call or visit FMSA website to find out more.
In today's business, downtime costs money. Friction Flow tubing alleviates that problem. Rather than a small restriction point like an orifice plate or in-line restrictors, Friction Flow uses a larger internal diameter tubing over distance to create an accurate and even metering system. This unique design gives Friction Flow a greater range of application rates and minimal chance of blocking using more complex liquid product combinations.
Friction Flow Back End Systems are a fully modular distribution solution for seeder bars, planters and tool bars. Being robust and fully flexible, the Friction Flow Back End System provides the highest quality and accurate technology on the market. The base layout is a primary manifold and multiple secondary distribution manifolds. These manifolds can be assembled to any combination as they are made from multiple pin lock components with Viton seal.